Department of Geography
1Name of Department : Geography
2. Years of establishment :2012
3. Annual /semester /choice based credit system : Annual
4. Name of program : UG
5. Number of teaching post : 01
Professor |
Sanctioned |
Filled |
Associate professor |
Asst. professor |
01 |
Nil |
Gest lecture |
01 |
01 |
6. Faculty profile with name , qualification Designation, specialization( etc)
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
Specialization |
No. of year of experience |
No. of Ph.d student |
Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh |
M.A. , NET |
Gest Lect. |
Geography |
- |
- |
7. Student –teacher Ration : 111:1
(Program wise)
8. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned and filled : lab tech –Nil
9. Qualification of Teaching faculty with Dsc D. litt/ph.D/M.phil/P.G - PG
10.Studentproject : fill
12.Diversityof student
Name of course |
% student from the same state |
% student from the otherstate |
% student from abroad |
B.A. I |
100 |
B.A. II |
100 |
B.A. II |
100 |
13.List ofsenior visiting faculty - Nil
14.Details ofcourse / programmes DIstcontinued (if any ) with reason : Nil
15.Name ofthe interdisciplinary courses and the department / units involved - nil
16.Participation of the department in the courses offered by other department - nil
17.Courses in collaboration with the other universities,industries foreign institution etc. - nil
18. How manystudent have cleared national and state competitive examination